Pricing Plan
Easy Pricing Plans
Unlock the Power of AI with Our Transparent and Flexible Pricing Options
1 active chatbot
An active bot is connected to any integration, excluding our native Chat Widget, and accepts chats.
1,000 valid chats/mo
A valid chat has at least one interaction. We don’t count chats that are empty or haven’t been responded to by your chatbot. After you reach your monthly chat package, you'll be charged $0.01 per each additional chat
7-day training history
See unmatched queries and train your chatbot to recognize them in the future.
Unlimited number of stories
A Story is a conversation scenario used by your chatbot to communicate with users.
All integrations
All ChatBot’s one-click integrations with 3rd party apps and services are available.
Data Security
Secure 256 bit SSL encryption for website visitors
5 active chatbots
5 active bots is connected to any integration, excluding our native Chat Widget, and accepts chats.
5,000 valid chats/mo
A valid chat has at least one interaction. We don’t count chats that are empty or haven’t been responded to by your chatbot. After you reach your monthly chat package, you'll be charged $0.01 per each additional chat
Unlimited training history
See unmatched queries and train your chatbot to recognize them in the future.
Unlimited number of stories
A Story is a conversation scenario used by your chatbot to communicate with users.
All integrations
All ChatBot’s one-click integrations with 3rd party apps and services are available.
Data Security
Secure 256 bit SSL encryption for website visitors
Advanced reporting
All chatbot reports are available
Team collaboration
Invite your teammates to ChatBot and share your work
Version history
Access to all published versions of your chatbot
Unlimited active chatbots
An active bot is connected to any integration, excluding our native Chat Widget, and accepts chats.
25,000 valid chats/mo
A valid chat has at least one interaction. We don’t count chats that are empty or haven’t been responded to by your chatbot. After you reach your monthly chat package, you'll be charged $0.01 per each additional chat
Unlimited training history
See unmatched queries and train your chatbot to recognize them in the future.
Unlimited number of stories
A Story is a conversation scenario used by your chatbot to communicate with users.
All integrations
All ChatBot’s one-click integrations with 3rd party apps and services are available.
Data Security
Secure 256 bit SSL encryption for website visitors
Advance reporting
All chatbot reports are available
Team collaboration
Invite your teammates to ChatBot and share your work
Version history
Access to all published versions of your chatbot
Unlimited active chatbots
An active bot is connected to any integration, excluding our native Chat Widget, and accepts chats.
Unlimited valid chats/mo
A valid chat has at least one interaction. We don’t count chats that are empty or haven’t been responded to by your chatbot. After you reach your monthly chat package, you'll be charged $0.01 per each additional chat
Unlimited training history
See unmatched queries and train your chatbot to recognize them in the future.
Unlimited number of stories
A Story is a conversation scenario used by your chatbot to communicate with users.
All integrations
All ChatBot’s one-click integrations with 3rd party apps and services are available.
Data Security
Secure 256 bit SSL encryption for website visitors
Advance reporting
All chatbot reports are available
Team collaboration
Invite your teammates to ChatBot and share your work
Version history
Access to all published versions of your chatbot
Personal onboarding
Personal onboarding
Premium customer support
Our customer support specialists will prioritize your support inquiries.
Security assistance
Our specialists will advise you on the best practices regarding ChatBot security within your company.
Chatbot building services
Our chatbot designers will design and implement chatbots that cover your business needs.
Custom integrations
Our developers will build custom integrations into your tools and services so that they meet your business needs.
Dedicated acc. manager
A dedicated account manager will help you with ChatBot setup and optimization.

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